Mommy Daddy :*
I am still recovering from the POX at my parents, the older I
get, the more gratitude I feel toward my mom and dad. They have always shown me
(and my sister) unconditional love and a whole lot of support throughout our
lives and I am sincerely thankful. The other day I was thinking on some of the
life lessons I’m about to tell you about and it popped in my head to just write
a post about this. Maybe some of these lessons that my parents have passed on
to me.
1 from my Mom: Choose joy everyday.
mom is probably the most joyful person I’ve ever known and most of my friends would
vouch for that. This doesn’t mean she’s never sad or doesn’t get upset. She’s
human. 🙂 But she
chooses to live a life absolutely filled with joy. And I think it took me a
while to understand something really basic about this—that it’s a choice. She
could decide to focus on the negative, or just consider things mundane or
ordinary. But instead my mom will find so much joy in simple things, like an
afternoon she can spend uninterrupted in her singing session. From my mom, I’ve
learned (and continue to learn/practice) to appreciate the simple pleasures of
life for the gifts they truly are and I honestly believe this is one of the
keys to happiness.
2 from my Dad: Take a chance on the people you love.
could be a very long story but I’m going to keep it short just because I want
to get to the point, since it’s really the most important thing here. When my
sister and I were just starting out in our professional careers , our dad
invested a lot of money in education/courses that really helped us in the long
run. He and my mom don’t live off a trust fund or something. They’ve always
worked hard to give us the life we had. To me, this is such a picture of that
selfless parent love that I hope I live up to one day when I have the honor of
becoming a mom (#notpregnant). My dad is a pretty practical guy, but he showed
me in this act how taking risks for the people you love can really pay off.
Plus, I think his willingness to sacrifice really pushed us to work our butts
off in our worklife. 😉
3 from my Mom: It’s never too late to follow your dreams.
mom studied engineering in college at a time when women barely took it up; she
was the only girl in her class back then. Once me and my sister grew, she took
this opportunity to become a writer/singer/ comperer, and now that’s what she
does makes the most of her time. And she loves it! I think it would have been
easy for her to think the time to start a new career was over for her, but I
love that she didn’t. I think she was really wise to know that life is actually
pretty long, and as much as we can we should fill it by pursuing what we love..
Ha! I love this example and hope that I’m still challenging myself and following
my dreams no matter my age. After all, it’s just a number.
4 from both my parents: Loving others is a gift (to you!).
is never perfect—there are plenty of bumps and stressful moments. But loving
your family, and I mean fiercely loving them in that selfless way that parents
do for their kids, I think changes you. Obviously your kids need you (or your
siblings, or spouse, or whoever you are currently loving as your family right
now), but I think we all need to love this way too because it’s good for us.
My parents have shown me the transformative power of love in many different
ways—and I think one of the greatest gifts they have given me is the ability
and the knowledge to know that I should love as much and as often as I can.
Just like they did for me. I hope I do them proud.
just read back over this and cried like three times. I guess I’m feeling sappy.
you, mom and dad!!!!!
Always love you
Always love you