Same Old Me says hello 2019 ;)
Ah, January of a new year. Time to wake up a completely different person from the woman I was in 2018, which includes being 40% less noisier by February 2019! Sorry just not happening ;)
I don’t know why we do this to ourselves. Why exactly is the start of a new year the time we pretend we’re going to be someone we’re not for the next 365 days?
Don’t get me wrong. Setting goals and working to achieve them is an honorable mission in life — says the to-do list maker, goal-setter, wannabe go-getter. But I’m not going to pretend that a calendar change makes me a completely different person.
Instead of the sad, tired New Year’s resolution that nearly all of us have made at least a dozen times in our life (myself included), how about we take baby steps? We’re not going to lose all the weight we gained in a year (or decade) over the course of a month or two.
Me? Yeah, I want to work on my curves, but instead of pretending I’m some tough chick who’s going to wake up at 4 a.m. to work out for two hours because that’s what I’d do if I were really committed to losing weight, I’m going with smaller goals that I might actually accomplish.
Eating more fruits and vegetables with each meal instead of all the junk i eat.
Instead of crushing it for two hours at the gym (more power to you if you can manage this), how about 30 minutes, a few times a week?
Doing all the things with none of the stress!
The other 'new year, new me' BS that I’ve made myself crazy with is the one where I tell myself this will be the year I do All The Things with none of the stress. Stop laughing. No really, pick yourself up off the ground.
We don’t have to be all the things to all the people. Filling our time every minute of every day in the name of being someone we think we’re supposed to be doesn’t lead to a happy — or balanced — life. It’s OK to freaking slow down.
There’s no harm in using the first of the year to set new goals and figure out what you want to work for in life. But let’s stop bullshitting ourselves that we all wake up completely different people at the first of the year, and we’ll magically start doing things we’ve avoided for the past 30-plus years.
This year I’m all about baby steps, small changes, and being a better version of myself. That seems much more doable than the new year, new me bullshit.
