Mommy's month at home

Rest. It is a word, people these days, especially these days, don't associate with. Rest. It is a action, people these days don't practise much.

These days, people do the contrary of resting, they worry. We worry about our wellbeing, physically, mentally and emotionally. We worry about of course, our financial wellbeing as well - our jobs and our paychecks. Especially in such times. We see doom and gloom everyday in papers and on NDTV.

Rest seems like it's an obscure word now. But I seek to be different.

3 weeks back my mom met with an accident and had a fracture. Honestly, it was like the worst day of my life. In a sudden moment, I felt the crappiest I've ever felt.Oh well, shit happens. Mom had fractured the same leg she had fractured 2yrs ago plus wedding on the head and was advised bed rest for a month or more!

And then, there were the tears. Initially, my mind didn't do well in registering the situation. I was like, more dumbfounded than anything.

Anyway, no worries, I am more than alright now. I was pretty alright by Friday evening, the same day that it happened. Because I know, God has planned a better something for us. Amidst the tears, a small voice just reminded me, Don't worry, just rest and have faith.

And then she was discharged the same day from the hospital. The worship was great and it took my mind off my current situation and I realised that, no matter how crappy my situation is, I am still very blessed.

In such times, I ought to worry, but I choose not. I choose to rest in Your promises and Your peace. Everything happens for a reason, nothing happens for chance. When I looked back onto this moment, I know that it happened for a good reason.

I realized how important a family is ..relations are. How they help you in times of need. They are very support your confidence. And how all of us together , made the entire situation much lighter.

I remembered the Sunday when all my family members were over to be with us my dadu said this.

"Remember to give thanks no matter what your circumstances are because, it could have been worse...

It spoke to me for a reason because it was truly words of comfort.


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