I love you my Tommmy :)

I Don't know where to start,
because I don't know when there will be an end.
Almost all of my life we've had each other.
We've laughed together,
Cried together,
Yelled at each other.

My sister, my tommy is someone who loves me from her heart,
No matter how much you I argue I cannot be drawn apart.
She is my friend who helps me through difficult times,
Her comforting words are worth much more than dimes.
Tommy fills my life with laughs and smile,
These memories last for miles and miles.

When she is by my side, my world is filled with life,
When she is not around, days are full of strife.

A companion to whom you can express your feelings,
She doesn’t let me get bored at family dealings.
Whether im having my ups or downs,
She always helps me with a smile and never frowns.

With a sister like her one cannot have a grudge,
It is knowing I can always turn to her, my best friend.

I'll wipe the tears, I'll get rid of your fears
Want to see you grow up and achieve
Just believe, have faith
You can do anything
You’re beautiful inside and out
You’re smart and very talented
You’re many things, but most all, you’re my sister
I believe in you and know that I'll never stop loving you


Noorali Surani said…
Tommy rocks for sure :), though curious, what she would have to say about you; bet she is going to miss you bossing her :P :P

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