A letter to Grishma 10 years from now

When I was in 8th / 9th standard, I started to keep a diary where I wrote down all my thoughts and secrets. From my frustrations with the exam results, to my friend’s secret story , to my own version of chicken soup for the soul, It would’ve been nice if I can read again what I wrote then and maybe tap into my old self. Unfortunately, however, I’m an idiot who misplaced that diary.
Much thanks to the internet, I can now keep a diary and read it anytime, anywhere. And so, I’ve decided to write a letter, addressed to my self ten years from now. By then, I’d be 34, and maybe, just maybe… I’d still be very happy.
Dear 34 y/o Grishma,
How are you? I honestly hope and pray that you’re doing well and that things have turned out the way you planned them to. Have you seen the world yet? I know you have always wanted to do that, to get out of this place, not to run away from it all but to experience the world as it was made to be. By now, I’d assume you’ve been to Japan, Australia and America already. Okay, the last one may be a stretch but I at least wish you’re well-traveled.
Okay, this is really what I want to know- are you on your way to being the first female to ever create an empire in the country/region? Please, I beg of you, do not tell me you’re still doing small stories and press releases like the ones I’m doing now because you know you can do much better. EMPIRE. Don’t you dare forget. EMPIRE. And how many STARS have you made already? Have you won awards yet?
And I don’t know if you’re still a ball of cheese (as I am now) but have you met the person you want to spend the rest of your life with?Is it really… overrated (you know what I’m talking about)? I hope that you’re not yet jaded with love, with true love. You once strongly believed in its power to transform lives and make people aspire to be better. And if ever you’ve lost that sparkle in your eyes. And as your friend once said, “there are plently of tissue and friends”. You are beautiful and you are worth a lot (hence, you waited that long). Do not let anyone make you believe otherwise.
And yes, you have an awesome family who’ve raised you well and will be there for you no matter what. I sure hope you haven’t done anything that would disappoint them or make them cry. May you be there to take care of them as they’ve taken care of you.
And friends. They go in and out of our lives. Do you still get to see the friends you grew up with? I have a feeling they’re in different parts of the world already but do keep in touch.Oh, by the way, are they married already? Has some of them come out of the closet yet?
Lastly, and I wish you didn’t fail me on this one, I hope you still regularly pray and continue to believe in Him. Let me remind you that you’ve been blessed with the three things that you need to survive in this world: faith, family and friends. Be grateful and treasure them. And just in case you might have forgotten, maybe out of stress and the craziness of the real world, HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE. I hope you’ve chosen right.
In love, beauty and happiness,
Grishma, 24
great letter.... i hope you do read it when u r 34...hehe
i know u will achieve all your dreams....may be not in 10 years....but more likely in 5 years or so....
im sure u will....
I dont call u my Indian Idol just like that....hehe
all the best for those who are there to compete u....they gonna need it coz they dont stand a chance :)
Nice to read...and somewhere strikes a chord deep down in my heart!
Keep on writing such wonderful stuff...
ur one nutttt!!! :P love d way u write.. U know wat, ur not 24.. but 14 =))
@mans: yes mans ..hope it all happens :)
@digangana: will keep writing snd ur feedback really makes a difference.
@sagii:excusez-moi ! i am not 14 and y do u say so ?