Friends for life

There are days when we wish to get back to routines we had in childhood. Like what my sister said, she wanted to go back to those days wherein we'd get home from school and aside from worrying about homework, the first thing we'd do upon getting home from was to sit in front of the TV, eat maggi with cheese and watch cartoons, usually tom and jerry. The feeling, the sense of security given by the consistency of the routine. And sometimes, when you do get the opportunity to do again what you enjoyed in childhood, you realize, it's nostalgic and fun, but you're just not the same person anymore. The memory will always be there and cherished but you can't live life re-living your yesterdays.
People grow up and out of childhood. We soon become too big to fit into former perspective of ourselves. But it's a part of us we have to accept and come to terms with. Really, because of that discussion with a close one, I felt more at ease. More able, well capable of letting go. One can't go paddling uncertainly forever. You realize that despite being thrown into a fast flowing river, you get submerged for an instant, an eternity of uncertainty, you lose your bearings and orientation, then you realize, you didn't drown. Gosh. But still you're in the middle of some major ripples..
The point is, Life does go on. Let it go. We can't consider anyone unimportant because in different situations we face in life, we can confront them by following different "strengths" our friends have. Like, what would she or he do in this situation? And when we're unsure of ourselves, we trust in the "strengths" of our friends, and we feel more secure and protected, no matter how scared we are. Sometimes it's not through advice giving wherein our friends can help us the most. Sometimes, comfort and support and courage can be gotten from then even when they're simply being who they are. Through this mechanism, we become a product of who our friends are. And during crazy periods in life, it is our friends who patch us up and constantly make us feel whole. Again and again and again. :-)
holding on to past just makes it harder....:)
n yeah....sit in front of the TV, eat maggi with cheese and watch cartoons, usually tom and jerry.
no wonder u r such a cartoon....more like the jerry mouse....hehe
I guess thats what makes it interesting!
@assy: well said :)
@rohini: thnaks once again ro