
Showing posts from January, 2019

Mommy Daddy :*

--> I am still recovering from the POX at my parents, the older I get, the more gratitude I feel toward my mom and dad. They have always shown me (and my sister) unconditional love and a whole lot of support throughout our lives and I am sincerely thankful. The other day I was thinking on some of the life lessons I’m about to tell you about and it popped in my head to just write a post about this. Maybe some of these lessons that my parents have passed on to me. Lesson 1 from my Mom: Choose joy everyday. My mom is probably the most joyful person I’ve ever known and most of my friends would vouch for that. This doesn’t mean she’s never sad or doesn’t get upset. She’s human. 🙂 But she chooses to live a life absolutely filled with joy. And I think it took me a while to understand something really basic about this—that it’s a choice. She could decide to focus on the negative, or just consider things mundane or ordinary. But instead my mom will find so much joy in s...

Got the POX!

--> Oh hello,  Trying to be a really good girl and trying to make blogging a habit after reading Superhuman by Habit - A guide to becoming the best possible version of yourself by Tynan. I hope i am able to stand by my promise.  So yaaaa i got attached by the POX the Chicken Pox!!! Blooodyy hell!! It’s so messy and so uglyyy!! Anyhow now that I've got it, lets deal with it nicely. My works   handful so I don’t get the time to do other stuff, actually works just an excuse , I definitely can make time for all that I wish for but you know how we are, always playing the blame game. However now that I’ve got like real time and I’m quarantined I said to myself LETS DO THIS. Reading as much possible not till I go blind, write which I used to do regularly like really long time ago. Meditate -yes been doing that since I was very young. Parents are into it big time. Never made a big deal about it as – as it used to be a part of the routine while gr...

Some connections =)

There are a certain people in my life. That i feel my soul has met before, i know it may sound weird and so filmy but it is true. Some people I haven't known as long as others but there is an unspoken energy, a bond, an understanding that goes both ways. We're just so nice to be ourselves I still find it weird, but I know it's not a coincidence. It's a connection that was meant to be.

Same Old Me says hello 2019 ;)

Ah, January of a new year. Time to wake up a completely different person from the woman I was in 2018, which includes being 40% less noisier by February 2019! Sorry just not happening ;) I don’t know why we do this to ourselves. Why exactly is the start of a new year the time we pretend we’re going to be someone we’re not for the next 365 days? Don’t get me wrong. Setting goals and working to achieve them is an honorable mission in life — says the to-do list maker, goal-setter, wannabe go-getter. But I’m not going to pretend that a calendar change makes me a completely different person. Instead of the sad, tired New Year’s resolution that nearly all of us have made at least a dozen times in our life (myself included), how about we take baby steps? We’re not going to lose all the weight we gained in a year (or decade) over the course of a month or two. Me? Yeah, I want to work on my curves, but instead of pretending I’m some tough chick who’s going to wake up at 4 a.m. to work...