Mommy Daddy :*

--> I am still recovering from the POX at my parents, the older I get, the more gratitude I feel toward my mom and dad. They have always shown me (and my sister) unconditional love and a whole lot of support throughout our lives and I am sincerely thankful. The other day I was thinking on some of the life lessons I’m about to tell you about and it popped in my head to just write a post about this. Maybe some of these lessons that my parents have passed on to me. Lesson 1 from my Mom: Choose joy everyday. My mom is probably the most joyful person I’ve ever known and most of my friends would vouch for that. This doesn’t mean she’s never sad or doesn’t get upset. She’s human. 🙂 But she chooses to live a life absolutely filled with joy. And I think it took me a while to understand something really basic about this—that it’s a choice. She could decide to focus on the negative, or just consider things mundane or ordinary. But instead my mom will find so much joy in s...