Make-up faux pas!
i love getting dolled up. And since im skinny whatever i wear suits me and looks dapper! But But But. Hold on. When i wear make up i look fugly!
i have these ugly dark circles. i am not really conscious about the fact. but people around me keep telling me to take up treatments this and that. so i have tried. it does work. but i am too lazy to have still go and get the peels done.
I have been introduced to the best concealers , best fix-its from the MAC world and many other high end brands but somehow i look so funny. Probably the way apply it is incorrect, but i look like a complete joker. My pictures look so tacky.
okay so recently i applied liquid eye liner and i started laughing my ass off looking at my self. it was crooked and wavy looked liked some random design. I have realized its so important just to be comfortable with your self. I have no qualms with no make up. but i like it at times. So i do it. i think first i am going to learn how to apply it and then start wearing it.
So yeah, this make-up faux pas happened to me twice in one week. i was just so uncomfortable. And learnt ot to repeat unless i am sure about it and comfortable with it!