Make memories!!
When it’s salary transfer day and that direct deposit hits your account, you tend to swipe your card more in a day than your thumb swipes through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter combined.
The instant gratification that comes along with the hefty price tags on new clothes, trendy sneakers and expensive jewelry is satisfying enough to be considered an actual addiction. Fortunately I am one of those who definitely enjoy shopping but don't love it!!! I am a need based shopper and being a girl have realized it pretty much a crime as most of the girls around you don't think its normal at all!!
But it’s important for us to remember the importance of investing in our life experiences even more so than splurging on the next big thing from our favorite designer- it’s true that money can’t buy you happiness.
In fact, it seems the happiest people in this world have found a way to distance themselves from shopping addictions and unnecessary spending.Instead, those people put their money toward travel, experience and memories, and it certainly pays off.If we all start to invest in our futures more than our sneakers, our lives will be more beautiful than anything money could buy.
Just think about it: At the end of your life, are you going to be reminiscing about the fact that you had an iPhone 6 Plus while everyone else was still using the 5, or are you going to recall golden memories you shared with the people who shaped who you’ve become?It’s time to stop swiping the cards every time we get paid and start thinking about the memories we could be making with just a little bit of extra savings and a road map.
The instant gratification that comes along with the hefty price tags on new clothes, trendy sneakers and expensive jewelry is satisfying enough to be considered an actual addiction. Fortunately I am one of those who definitely enjoy shopping but don't love it!!! I am a need based shopper and being a girl have realized it pretty much a crime as most of the girls around you don't think its normal at all!!
But it’s important for us to remember the importance of investing in our life experiences even more so than splurging on the next big thing from our favorite designer- it’s true that money can’t buy you happiness.
In fact, it seems the happiest people in this world have found a way to distance themselves from shopping addictions and unnecessary spending.Instead, those people put their money toward travel, experience and memories, and it certainly pays off.If we all start to invest in our futures more than our sneakers, our lives will be more beautiful than anything money could buy.
Just think about it: At the end of your life, are you going to be reminiscing about the fact that you had an iPhone 6 Plus while everyone else was still using the 5, or are you going to recall golden memories you shared with the people who shaped who you’ve become?It’s time to stop swiping the cards every time we get paid and start thinking about the memories we could be making with just a little bit of extra savings and a road map.
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