An idle mind

 All living things have to be active. Resting or relaxing is to be done when the body is tired and demands it. It is a physical need and not something to be done for the pleasure it gives.  Not keeping your self occupied is dangerous. When we have nothing to do, our mind turns to  think of  stuff that maybe harmful. That is why it is said that idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Being engaged in some activity is the only remedy. People who have no work, but get a lot of free time can take up some hobby.. People who sit all day doing nothing keep whiling away time in  unnecessary negative talks. Only those who idle their time can do this. Importance of having some work for our young is due mainly to this. Because they are idle they learn to evil thoughts and deeds. They seek pleasure that is not due to them. Keeping oneself idle is  the worst thing ! Do something and not nothing! 


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