One Month now #Sneh

Dear Sneh

Its been a month today since you’re gone. But feels like forever.

I am missing you terribly and remember you all the time.

I miss the kheer that you would make for me. the yummy khichu which was your speciality, all the kurtas you have stiched for me all my life.Playing istapo with you.

All the sarees you have designed for me , all the memories will stay forever.

All the guidance, advice you have given me.

I don’t know who to run to when I am down. Your presense would talk off all the worries away.

I remember whenever i have been distressed, your words have helped us keep faith and accept whatever comes our way and to be strong.

I wonder what will happen now. I am not wise enough , i still need you around.

I know you're around and looking after us, and sending your love to us in the form of blessings.

Love you to the moon and back my bhabhi.


Shubhanshu said…
touching!!!really luvd it..

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