Gyan Ka Bhandar...Aapke Dwaarr !

I am home alone and had some gyaan in me that I wanted to share …Monsieur H is out of town and a bit caught up so I thought of penning down my and showing my gyaani side..
Basically about how self-motivated people are happy and then success comes their way immaterial of the external circumstances.

Any lasting motivation must ultimately come from within you, from a sense of purpose that forces you to take action. Make your dream big enough, make it meaningful enough, and you cannot help but take the actions necessary to achieve it.

It’s important to develop a sincere admiration and appreciation for the great accomplishments of others, and it will encourage you to take the actions necessary for your own great accomplishments. You can find much motivation in works of art, in inspiring performances, in great books, in successful businesses and in anything that displays excellence. Appreciate the results of motivation in others, and it will serve to motivate you.

Admire and appreciate what you’ve already accomplished. Count the blessings that you already enjoy. Think of what a waste it would be not to make the very best of them. Keep going. Keep putting forth the effort. Honor and value where you already are by making the most of it, by using your resources, by taking the actions necessary to fulfill your possibilities.

Think of something that you consider to be fun. Does anyone have to talk you into doing it? Of course not. If it’s fun, then by very definition it’s something you would do without any coaxing. Realize that just about anything can be fun if you’ll think of it as fun and enjoyable. Find a way to make something fun, and not only will you want to do it; you’ll also be better at it. The best players enjoy the game. The best musicians have a love for music. The highest achievers enjoy the achievement. Do you detect a pattern here? Whatever you must do to achieve success, find a way to enjoy it. You can either do what you love, or love what you do. It doesn’t matter which. What matters is the “do” part. Taking the action is what brings success. Yes, you can struggle against your own desires, be miserable, and eventually accomplish your goal. But why? You’ll be far more effective and consistently successful when you enjoy doing the things that bring you success.

Time is very precious. There are only so many hours in each day, and once they’re gone, they are gone forever. You owe it to yourself to make the most of those hours, and of the minutes that comprise them. Time that is wasted can never be reclaimed. You never get another chance to take action now, so use the opportunity while it’s available to you.

Do I sound like baba ramdev or some gyaaani maharaj.. maharani in my case??

Just had to vomit my thoughts and thats what my darrrrling for.


ashok said…
well written!!! u r absolutely rite... these factors only makes anyone successful irrespective of place and d kind of work any one does.... keeping it going....
"M" said…
very gyaaani you are my fave baba gri.. loved it

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