
I am blogging after more than a month..shame shame puppy shame... but dude i am!


I’ve been grinning nonstop since that evening.

So the reason for my month-long hiatus from blogging is that I got engaged last month. Yeah! I got engaged.

So here it is: I'm engaged to be married to a truly amazing man this year.

While we started getting to know each other early this year, I've been pretty quiet about it online. I didn't want to jinx it! And soon we decided to get hooked :-)

Of course, the few of you who follow my FB status's may have seen a few happy lines now and then, but that's really been it.

But enough about my on-line life. What you're really wondering about is who he is (and what sort of mental disorder compels him to spend time with me!). I could tell you countless great things about him (many of which I tell on a daily basis), but I'll be brief. Monsieur H is a software ENGINEER and a Business Intelligence consultant with IBM, he is extremely calm composed unlike me ,he sketches really well. He is kind, caring, and fun to be around.

We have a lot in common and a lot not in common . We have very similar goals for the future, religious views (or lack of them), geographic preferences, vacation ideas, hobbies we wish we had time for, thoughts on whether (and when) to have children one day, and more. I could go on.

In short, we're very compatible. So much so that it's scary (in a good way) at times. I'd try to cite specific examples, but I'd honestly expect you not to believe me. Seriously. I can't count the number of times I've thought to myself "I can't possibly be this lucky..."

But I am.

I'm incredibly happy that we managed to find each other at times in our lives when we were both ready to find each other. But even more than that, I'm excited about the future we're going to have together.

After we've worked out more of the details, maybe I'll write a bit about our wedding plans. :-)

This is already longer than I thought it'd be, so I hereby return you to your regularly schedule mental stuff, strange news, and occasional ranting--as soon as I come up with something.


Akshata Rao said…
Congratulation & celebrations...parara...pa pa pa...ra ra...pa pa :-)
Sooooooooo happy for you
"M" said…
Monsieur H is lucky tooo !!:).... Happpy happpy for you... love ya! muaaaah
Unknown said…
Ashraf said…
Congratsssss griiiiii...
but im still in a shock........ehehehhe
Unknown said…
Hey Grishma - read your blog, found it very interesting and liked this post in particular. Not sure if you remember me, I am H's school friend. Am very very happy for both of you. Have fun and keep blogging. Cheers!

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