
Showing posts from November, 2008

Express Yourself!

I have never had trouble expressing emotions. When I was a child, I would often explode in anger at school or home, simply because these emotions were so raw and powerful. Over the years, I've learned how to control my anger - most of the time.It is my most volatile emotion, and it takes tremendous energy to keep it in check. In the last few years, I've discovered that there are certain emotions that I only feel clearly while I am writing. One of these emotions is sadness. While I am beginning to feel sadness or extreme happiness when I'm not writing, I feel it much more strongly when I am writing. I can only recall two instances in my life when I cried (due to sadness) at a time when I wasn't writing. Both times were, I believe, a gift from God (I'll explain later). In addition to feeling emotion more clearly through writing, I also am also able to express it more clearly. There are some things which I can't say verbally or in-person, but I can express in wri...

I can..

Courage must come from the soul within, The man must furnish the will to win. So figure it out for yourself, my lad. You were born with all that the great have had; With your equipment they all began. Get hold of yourself and say, “I can.” --Edgar A. Guest

I AM ~

I Am the hopes the dreams the prayers the wishes of a world a generation; my peers my family Myself- I Am Blown. Carried by a passing breeze soft, gentle then- Grabbed by a far more violent gust I fall tumble rise twist Change directions. I have traveled far have far yet to travel not sure how far I Am Not Lost- just searching for a purpose a reason an answer a place to land to stay- To Take Root.

My Hero

He is somebody who loves me the most. He is intelligent. He supports me in everything thing I do. He calls me once in every 3 hours .He cares for me the most. He knows everything that I want and want to do. He encourages me to do my best. He is the coolest. I trust him the most. He knows me better than anybody. I am lucky to have somebody like him around. He corrects me subtly when I do something wrong. He reminds of my morals if I ever forget. He is proud of me. He makes me realize priorities of life. He tells me do the thing if ‘you think it is right’, and ‘learn from your own mistakes’. He has a great sense of humor. The most important. He taught me how to speak. He taught me how to walk. He is just like a kid. I love his care a damn attitude. He is ageing gracefully. His stories are fun. He is one person in my life who is indispensable. He is my grand father! My hero ~