Live & Let Live

True freedom is the ability to express who you are... through a natural flow of love and creativity. Freedom is first gained within your consciousness. Then, because your outer life always reflects that which is within, you gain freedom in all aspects of your life.

Fear is the common factor underlying all disharmonious emotions. For example, fear of inadequacy can lead to jealousy and hatred, fear can generate an over-reaction of greed while fear of being overwhelmed by life's challenges can lead to control issues.

Each of us arrives in this world with a life plan, which includes personal and societal issues that we intend to work through during the lifetime. It also includes the location and surroundings of birth, as also the friends and associates that we are likely to meet as life unfolds.

Another key philosophy gaining freedom is "Live and let live". When you allow other people to be the way they are, your energy is not absorbed in anyone's futile dramas. Instead, you are able to use all of your energy to follow your joy and help make the world a better place.

Acceptance of yourself is also vital. Accept who you are now, unimproved, with your current motivations and be thankful that you are exactly who you are. You planned to adopt a certain package of feelings and circumstances in your journey through life. There is nothing 'wrong' with you at any point along the journey. Things that appear to need improvement are challenges, not faults, so enjoy the ride and gain the most from the experiences that you came to explore.

Freedom from fear-based emotions allows true, unconditional love to flow through your heart and true creativity to fill your mind as you pursue your deepest inner joy.

For example, if an aircraft is destined to crash, you simply won't be on it. If you need information to bring yourself back to health, you will know where to find the answers that are the best for you. Even the fear of loneliness will never cloud your heart because, with love in your heart, you will never be left wanting for good company.

Love and insight will pour from your heart if you let them. Give yourself the gift of true freedom, the freedom to express who you are through a natural flow of love and creativity.

(Owen Waters is the author of 'The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness')


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