Let your emotions just flow as is...

In the course of your daily life, something happens that triggers a feeling in you. You notice that something has shifted, so you stop and relax. Ahhhh.

You aren’t put off by the strong emotion. You don’t avoid it out of fear or discomfort. You stay calm and present and feel the sensations and energy in your body. You pay attention to this experience with acceptance and openness as long as it feels right, then you go about your day.
This is the possibility for all of us when it comes to difficult emotions. Think of them as weather. They arrive, then pass through. So simple, so effortless.

Every moment of this precious life presents an opportunity. We can stay asleep or wake up. We can ignore, defend, strategize, analyze, negotiate, or give up when difficult emotions appear. Or we can relax, receive, honor, and allow.

The experiences that arise in you are life – the way that life happens to be flowing through you at any given moment. They are a sacred offering. If a strong feeling comes, don’t make it into a problem. Because it isn’t. Let it be a friend and not an enemy. Stay uninvolved and let it run its natural course. It is not you.

Abandon the story in your mind, and you will notice sensations in your body. Let them be – every vibration, tension, and tightness. These are remnants of a time long ago when you learned that feelings weren’t safe. They went underground and lodged in your body. Now is the time for their liberation.

Stop the effort of resisting and simply be. Relax. Be still. Let the integrity of your felt experience show you the way. Give it a chance and you will see that it is OK. You are OK.

The point is not to get rid of any experience, including your feelings.. You do not have the power to force feelings to disappear or compel experiences to last. Don’t try. Simply, effortlessly allow what arises to be. Whether it intensifies or goes away entirely is not your business. Your only job is to relax and receive.

Let go of preferences for or against, and you will see problems melt away. Feelings come? No problem. Strong sensations? No problem. Bliss overflowing? No problem. Everything welcome just as it is. So then yes! Let it be then! Yaay. 


Impalalaaa said…
Wow okay just went through your blog shog.
Exactly what i needed to hear(read) at the moment. Thank you! :)

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