So HI after really long
But now i am settled in a new desk , which allows me that space and peace. :)
Works going fine. There is so much learning each day. I have realized the more you tell your self that you do not i do not know, the better it is. I am hoping to do better each day. The entertainment industry excites me. Its such an unstructured industry and i always view so many innovative opportunities that lie in here. I love the fact that it keeps me motivated to do something knew and interesting.
Also i traveled to this beautiful country. TURKEY. i am so glad Monsieur H and I took this vacation after a long time.We say such beautiful places. We landed in Istanbul and went straight to Izmir. Visited Pamakkule and the Roman city. Visited Gerome, Cappadocia ,Anatalaya and back to Istanbul. Had a great time. I think vacations must be taken as a mandate. I have been doing that since i was a child. 2 big vacations and one small. I don't want to be filthy rich. I just want to earn enough money to travel around the world in the limited funds.

Work also takes me to places , but obviously these trips can be quite stressful. visited Hong Kong and Quatar in the past one month.
i am quite fortunate to be doing what i love. i love teaching and i get to do that as well. There is very little information/content on the celebrity marketing industry and since i am a part of it. i keep documenting my learnings. If i get a chance to publish my own book :)
Yes, thats it. i keep visiting my grandfather often. He seems to be missing my grandmother a lot. Love the fact that we can all be together.
So good enough for this blog post. Will be more active henceforth. Pasting a few images from my travel.