A Letter To My Sunshine Sneh, My Grandmother!

I just wanted to write you a little something to let you know how much you have meant to me. I also wished if we had skype , whatsapp, gtalk , googlehangout in heaven!
I think the thing that has always stood out to me most is your strong faith in within. you never followed anything blindly, you never forced anything on us. I remember from a young age feeling drawn to you in a special way, I think I could see God shining through you. I loved to sit by your side and just listen to you talk about everything in life, about your experiences, about
I have always felt blessed by your presence, I know you and Dadu pray for all of us kids often. I can’t imagine what my life may have been without your blessings. You are both a blessing from God. Since you’re gone I think about you and remember that your prayers are with me and it would give me strength just thinking about that.
You have passed your faith and strength to your children and grandchildren. You have built a wonderful legacy and I hope you can see the fruits of your labor in some of us.
We hear a lot of things about angels like what they look like and what or who they are, but you're my angel. You're always near and with us no matter what, whatever we do or have done or are going to do. Like God, grandmas are always going to be there with us no matter what, because we will always have them in our hearts.
I have been blessed with you as my grandma and I just wanted to let you know that. I love you very much and hold you close to my heart.
With love and thankfulness for all that you have been to me, Faith
And here goes the poem that i penned down the next day after your soul departed:-
My strength
My support
My reason of happiness, success, life
My inspiration
She was more than a mother to me
She brought me up she loved me unconditionally
Her smile was infectious
Her touch was soothing
I could never imagine my life without her
Best trips, outings, stay overs, dinners, vacations..
I am so fortunate to have been able to spend so much time with her
Her teachings, her words, and her blessings her love will stay with me forever and forever
Before she left us, I had a glimpse of her smiling face.
That is embedded in my heart, framed and will be remembered and cherished each day.