Balancing Act
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life , you may have friends and family that you try to make time for. Then there is your professional life that can consume a large portion of your day and night depending on where you are in your career. It is so easy to lose control of your life personally and professionally. The two begin to blend together and you wonder where one starts and one ends. Life has to have some balance to it in order to keep you healthy and sane. This can often seem so hard to do but with a one needs to find that balance and harmony in life. Or else one either looses out on their personal life which will in turn affect their professional life. Before one can even begin to get your life in balance you need to first know where your life is out of balance. Are you spending too much time at work and not enough time at home? Are you working on the weekends instead of spending time with friends and family? Are you married? If so your life then isn’t just about you. So ...