
Showing posts from November, 2010

Weekends of Oct 2010

Lot of things happening ..have been super duper busy since a couple of weeks so no time to blog...travelling for work. I was in Bangalore and Hyderabad for work. Met a lot of interesting people! Bangalore was awesome had 4 back to back meetings with some south super stars :-) with lots of idli sambhar and the best of coffee's.B'lore is a really nice place beautiful weather , some cool places to hang out. People are extremely warm , straight forward :) Had a fab time with my colleagues..we had a ball laughing on the stupidest of things just to make the hectic schedule light. The Bangalore boys took good care of me while i was there:)Thank you Yash, Ashok , Chinar & Pari. None of my trips end without some major drama ...i missed my flight to Hyderabad. Oh damn so much frenzy...fought with people at the airport gave them logic...when they delay flights its cool..but when i reach 5 mins late they won’t let me in...bloody nonsense. I left for Hyderabad the next morning ...oh my...

All the best to my Bestest!

Nups Nupsiee Nupesh Nupeshwari!! A farewell speech for you  Maestro in power pont presentations , Ustad in writing mails and Pandit in conceptualization  Nups is one of the most talented person/friend I know who is good at almost everything. She balances everything so well  She has been my colleague , my pichwada for 2 years and I am going to miss her a lot. All the gossips , music, Friday lunches I’m going to miss it all. You have been a great support through-out. You made so many difficult things easy for me Nups[remember those days ]…I am really going to miss you. While writing this mail my eyes get a little leaky  but nevertheless Wishing you lots and pots of love and luck in pursuing something you always were in love with !!! and am sure you will rock it! Just be the way you are always, you are a SUPERWOMAN ! I love you,.