
Showing posts from September, 2010

Rant Shant...

Were we born with it? I don't think so. Growing up, I was taught from a early age that Respect is something that is earned, never is respect just given. When a smile and a handshake in a office meant more than any handwritten and signed contract. When a man was only as good as his word. WHAT HAPPENED? Attitude and Arrogance, no one needs it, unless it's a p[positive attitude, but that's not what we are really talking about here, if you had a ppositive attitude, you would not have the arrogance, as they go hand in hand. You are a better person without it. Is not everyone created equal? They say today's world is a dog eat dog world,,, Not Really, See all you really have to do is care about people, and remember that old saying? treat someone the way you would like to be treated. Wow! You see actions really do speak louder than words. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and ask, am I the type of person I hope my kids grow up to be like? I hope so. Well let me assure...

Magic of Believing :)

During X’mas once when I was 12years old I woke up around 5am , convinced that Santa had come to our house. We heard Santa leaving our room. My sister was sure as well hearing bells ringing softly, which she told me were on the reindeers. Both Esha and I were discussing on early morning after seeing the Santa Claus gifts placed under our pillows. And of course, we believed that Santa had come to deliver our gifts. As we were unwrapping our gifts. The magic of believing doesn't just apply to Santa. It is true in all parts of your life. Of course a lot happened behind the scenes to make sure that Santa arrived for us. But isn't that always the case? Making anything happen takes some effort. What you want doesn't come just because you believe, but you must believe to make it happen. Taking up a non- PR able or non-bollywood / mainstream talent celebrity and build them as HERO’s was something that I always wanted to do. But, for the longest time, I didn't really think I cou...


My Rockstar family from both side’s! I am whatever today its totally because of them! If you've got a family like mine, you will never have a reason to be gloomy.They make me feel better when I’m blue. They teach me something new every day & help me find success in every way.They make sure I’m comfortable where I’m. They create a smile from my frown.They teach me wrong from right & encourage me to keep your dreams in sight. They wipe my tears away when I’m sad & calm me down when I get mad. Thank you family for all that you do. I don't know where I would be if it weren't for you!!